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Salford House 4  life -England - Manchester - Salford
Whitehaven Harbour Central  Site Residential and Office buildings - England - Whitehaven
Technology Park connected to the National radioactive waste storage
Progetta Stephenson 86
CAP Group Headquarter  Yung artist Residential-Cordoba- Spain
New addition of the ATM Building
Renovation of the Courthouse in Lugano

Technology Park connected to the National radioactive waste storage

 P r o g e t t o F l a m i n i o - Neighborhood  sorrounding the City of Science - Roma
Child Pavilion in Garibaldi-Isola - Milano
Civic Center in Garibaldi-Isola - Milano
Project of the new gym building in via Borsi - Varese -Italy
Design of the building of the Museum of Polish Istory Warsaw - Poland
​Lanndscape study of the territory and reconversion  of  former  factory Comune di Sant’Ambrogio di Torino
Greenway  Cycle the conversion of the disused  narrow-gage railway Palermo -Camporeale
New bridge over the River Arno and its connections with existing roads or project - Firenze - Italy

Terminal interchange - Hong Kong, Islands District
Beauty Contest - Social Housing - Milano - Italy
Progetto 10000_Social Housing Tower Building
Residential buildings yhung Artist - Cordoba- Spain
P r o j e c t s  f o r  r e s i d e n t i a l  b u i l d i n g s  i n  high performance and low cost - Milano - Italy
Salford House 4  life -England - Manchester - Salford
Pass-Social and Sustenability- Roma - Italy
Whitehaven Harbour Central  Site Residential and Office buildings - England - Whitehaven
Social Housing - Cenni - Milano - Italy
​Residential and Service Building - Peschiera Borromeo - Italy
​Residential and Service Building - Sesto San Giovanni - Italy
​Social Housing - Cenni - Mestre - Italy
​Quartiere storico Fiera Milano - Milano - Italy
​Commerciall, Handicrafts residential building in the  ex Fornaci Magnetti area-Milano - Italy
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